React with TypeScript : Get Started

Aswathy E G
2 min readMay 28, 2021


How to create a simple project using React with TypeScript

In this article I’d like to explain briefly the pros of using React with TypeScript and how to create a simple project with the same.

Before starting with React, ensure that the prerequisites, Node.js and npm, are installed.

Why React with TypeScript?

React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. As a developer, you can choose to configure either JavaScript or TypeScript.

Since TypeScript is the super set of JavaScript and has static typing, it is less error prone.


In order to create a React app, we can use Create React App, a utility that helps to create skeleton structure of a React app.

Create React App by default generates an app with JavaScript. But if you want to use TypeScript with React, you have to enable TypeScript separately.

To create a new project with TypeScript support, run the following command on your workspace directory:

A React app with the name my-app is created and app is enabled to use TypeScript. TypeScript and all related dependencies are configured by default in package.json file as follows:

We can also see other default configuration settings generated by Create React App in tsconfig.json file.


Now start the development server by entering following command:

Your React-Typescript app would start successfully. It can be accessed via URL http://localhost:3000


Before proceeding with further development, you can do the following optional clean-up activities as well.

  • Remove logo.svg file and its import statements from App.tsx (or replace it with another relevant logo).
  • Clear everything inside div in App.tsx and add new sections.
  • Create ‘components’ directory in src directory to keep your own components.
  • Create a directory named App under components folder and move everything related to App to that folder.

Now the folder structure is pretty clean. Continue coding :)

Happy hacking.

Additional Reading

